Wehrpass,Luftwaffe Flak Corporal. Russia,Germany,West Wall,Holland, Ruhr Pocket. Wehrpass,Luftwaffe Flak Corporal. Russia,Germany,West Wall,Holland, Ruhr Pocket. Wehrpass,Luftwaffe Flak Corporal. Russia,Germany,West Wall,Holland, Ruhr Pocket. Wehrpass,Luftwaffe Flak Corporal. Russia,Germany,West Wall,Holland, Ruhr Pocket. Wehrpass,Luftwaffe Flak Corporal. Russia,Germany,West Wall,Holland, Ruhr Pocket. Wehrpass,Luftwaffe Flak Corporal. Russia,Germany,West Wall,Holland, Ruhr Pocket. Wehrpass,Luftwaffe Flak Corporal. Russia,Germany,West Wall,Holland, Ruhr Pocket. Wehrpass,Luftwaffe Flak Corporal. Russia,Germany,West Wall,Holland, Ruhr Pocket. Wehrpass,Luftwaffe Flak Corporal. Russia,Germany,West Wall,Holland, Ruhr Pocket.

Wehrpass,Luftwaffe Flak Corporal. Russia,Germany,West Wall,Holland, Ruhr Pocket.

The Wehrpass starts in 39 with corporal Biedermann serving with a few Flak units from Russia, back into Germany , then Holland and ending up with a ground combat unit in the Ruhr pocket , were he surrendered 18/4/45. He is entitled to the ''Tatichkeitsabzeichen der Flak Artillerie for at least 9 months Flak service, dated 18/9/43. He is also entitled to the Russian front medal awarded 24/7/42, this can be found on page 23. As for condition, well its complete but suffering from silverfish damage to 4 pages along the edge. Found inside the Wehrpass was his...

''Stammrollenauszug'', military transfer document, Flk/Abteilung 838.
''Beurteilung'', military conduct report, signed by an officer in Flk/Abt 838.
Lebenslauf, biography dated 17/6/44.

Code: 56987