Hitler Youth Mitglieds-Ausweis, JM/BDM.1937. Hitler Youth Mitglieds-Ausweis, JM/BDM.1937. Hitler Youth Mitglieds-Ausweis, JM/BDM.1937. Hitler Youth Mitglieds-Ausweis, JM/BDM.1937. Hitler Youth Mitglieds-Ausweis, JM/BDM.1937.

Hitler Youth Mitglieds-Ausweis, JM/BDM.1937.

In very nice condition having a super photo portrait of a 12 year old member of the JM from Gebiet 12. Not only is the photo nice with BDM jacket and insignia but she is wearing three different HJ sports participation badges. Its even quite scarce to see one badge in period photos but three is very nice!

Code: 57288