Quist M40 Single Decal Helmet. Size 66.
Shell has nearly 100% of its matt green finish to the shell, inside and out.The decal is close to 95% complete.Liner pins are tight. The inside liner is nice, clean and very supple, size marked 58. Chinstrap complete with a maker mark and 1942 date to the tip.
Now here is the ''Rub''... the helmet is a period Quist made size 66 shell that's been restored with a new coat of paint, inside and out and a ''Q'' bigfoot decal, a good reproduction, to match the Q made shell. Chinstrap is a reproduction. The liner is an original WW2 period example, i can make out some details inside with a date stamp 43, liner string again period.
This helmet will be a perfect display if not wanting to pay the usual price for a SD Heer M40, or would be a perfect helmet for anyone who is into reenacting!
Code: 58245