Wehrpass, 9th Army, KIA Russia, 1941. Wehrpass, 9th Army, KIA Russia, 1941. Wehrpass, 9th Army, KIA Russia, 1941. Wehrpass, 9th Army, KIA Russia, 1941. Wehrpass, 9th Army, KIA Russia, 1941. Wehrpass, 9th Army, KIA Russia, 1941. Wehrpass, 9th Army, KIA Russia, 1941. Wehrpass, 9th Army, KIA Russia, 1941. Wehrpass, 9th Army, KIA Russia, 1941. Wehrpass, 9th Army, KIA Russia, 1941.

Wehrpass, 9th Army, KIA Russia, 1941.

Nice complete book issued to a feldebel who served during the invasion of Poland and France losing his life a couple of months after the invasion of Russia. Entitled to the Iron Cross 2nd class and West Wall medal. Extra photo found in the back.

Code: 60339