4th Hussars Medal Group. 1920-1945. India, North Africa and Italy. 4th Hussars Medal Group. 1920-1945. India, North Africa and Italy. 4th Hussars Medal Group. 1920-1945. India, North Africa and Italy. 4th Hussars Medal Group. 1920-1945. India, North Africa and Italy. 4th Hussars Medal Group. 1920-1945. India, North Africa and Italy. 4th Hussars Medal Group. 1920-1945. India, North Africa and Italy. 4th Hussars Medal Group. 1920-1945. India, North Africa and Italy. 4th Hussars Medal Group. 1920-1945. India, North Africa and Italy. 4th Hussars Medal Group. 1920-1945. India, North Africa and Italy.

4th Hussars Medal Group. 1920-1945. India, North Africa and Italy.

This small group was a local flee market walk in this week that consist of the veterans first service Regular Army Certificate of Service to a Frank Henry Applegate who joined in 1920 for service in the Cavalry of the line. According to the book Applegate served over 8 years in India and finished his service in 1929 serving in the reserves till 1932. With the photos of him and his chums in North Africa he must have rejoined for service during WW2, so a well served veteran before his service with the 4th Hussars during WW2. There are five photos of his service in Africa with chums and two during his first service as a boy. The other photos are of a personal nature after the war. Also found with the paperwork inside the red wallet are his WW2 service medals without ribbons and his wartime ribbon bar. According to his red book Applegate did not receive any medals for service in India. The 4th Hussars did hard action during its campaign in North Africa and its route up the Italian boot so im sure there is plenty of research possibilities here folks.

Code: 62324

85.00 GBP